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Writer's pictureKayley Hurley

Pregnant Workouts, Made Super Easy

Grab a Mat & Dumbbells, Press Play, & Get in a Great Workout

Being pregnant is HARD work. Carrying on day-to-day life while growing another human not only feels insane, but also feels darn near impossible at times. As a former group fitness & CrossFit instructor, I knew I wanted to #workoutpregnant and stay fit, but I felt very ill-equipped to do that during my first two pregnancies. I didn’t really know what was on and off limits.

I went into my 3rd pregnancy with a plan… I was going to workout pregnant, really learn how to create safe prenatal workouts, and I was going to share it with others! I figured I couldn’t be the only person struggling to navigate the changes that come with trying to workout pregnant. I became a prenatal & postnatal fitness specialist through Moms Into Fitness and created exactly what I wish would have existed: #freeprenatalworkouts that progressed week by week that I could complete at my home with very minimal equipment. I hope you will love them as much as I did!

What You Need:

  • Mat & Dumbbells

  • You should know basic lifting form. I don’t talk during the actual workout, so you need to be able to mimic my form without verbal cues.

  • Workouts are offered for free on YouTube

What to Expect:

  • I was in the same week of pregnancy during all workouts, so they are modified for different stages of pregnancy. I also sometimes include more modifications in the top right corner in case you need them.

  • 20-30 minute long workouts (usually closer to the 30-minute mark)

  • A short introduction, prenatal core work on most workouts, a warm-up, workout, and cooldown in each video

  • 90 Workouts!! Four workouts a week from 16 weeks pregnant through 38 weeks pregnant *Note: There are only 3 workouts during Week 33 (stomach flu for me!) and Week 38 (I went into labor!)

  • Each week of workouts hits different parts of the body.

  • During Weeks 16-19, I go over basic form. Starting in week 20, that coaching time is replaced with prenatal core work.

I reaped benefits during my pregnancy while completing this workout series: I felt I maintained, if not increased, how fit I was. I had a rough 1st trimester and didn't workout much, but doing four workouts a week every week through most of my 2nd and 3rd trimesters? The consistency of that really paid off. Additionally, diaphragmatic breathing or belly breathing is important to keep your core nice and healthy. I incorporated core foundational movements at the beginning of most of my workouts in order to not only keep my body healthy during pregnancy, but also to prepare myself for labor and the weeks following the birth of my baby - the car seat, carrying him around, still playing with my 3 & 4 year old. Doing core work is a game changer, and I know this because I did NO core work during my first two pregnancies. I was told, "You can't work your core during pregnancy!" That couldn't be further from the truth.

I would love if you chose to workout pregnant with me throughout your pregnancy! Let me know if you have any questions below, and I would be happy to answer them. Cheers to a happy, healthy pregnancy!


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